October 23, 2007


Here we go again. Just three months after Old Walkerville residents voiced that they do not want their area name changed to "The Distillery District", our "for the people mayor" seems to be taking another shot at it. Read this article from today's Windsor Star:

Why would anyone want to take a well established community like "Old Walkerville" and reverse 150 years of name recognition? The disturbing aspect of this circus show is that when this came up the last time our civic leaders pulled the "Distillery District" Moniker from the city's web site and changed it back to Walkerville BIA. We were told then by both our BIA team and the city that the name would not change. Our councillors received tons of e-mails and letters telling them to back off. Why would they want to go through that again? Ward 3 Councillor Fulvio Valentinis reiterated that point during last nights council meeting:

"But Ward 3 Coun. Fulvio Valentinis said he's already received phone calls from people who aren't keen on the idea. "This has created a lot of concern with a lot of people," said Valentinis, adding that he believes there's "significant opposition" to the renaming."

The response from the Mayor seemed defiant:

"Mayor Eddie Francis said there will be a public consultation process on the plan, and the progress report was approved by council without challenge."

A public consultation process? To change the name of Old Walkerville? Which public is he talking about? All wards or just Old Walkerville? The last time a public consultation process was held, several residents of Old Walkerville were chased away from the process because they had brought suggestion sheets with them. These didn't fit well with the program's steering committee.

Please re-read these previous posts including all public comments:

Well folks...

Fulvio Valentinis: Phone: (519) 977-5067
Email: fvalentinis@city.windsor.on.ca

Alan Halberstadt: Phone: (519) 973-8323
Email: ahalberstadt@city.windsor.on.ca

You can also contact the Walkerville BIA here:

Attention: Ms. Joan Charrette.
Telephone: (519) 519-919-8733
One Commenter suggests contacting 311 as follows:

Voice your opinion now because the Mayor has stated
that he wants to wrap this change up by the end of this year!


Anonymous said...

If you dig deep enough, I think you'll find that someone with the French firm that owns Hiram Walkers now is pressuring major players in city council to make this change. They don't want to see someone else's corporate legacy dominating the area. Hence the broad "Distillery District" moniker vs "WALKERville". Take a look at the name on the building now as you drive up Riverside...

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 1:
If you are correct then these people are ill informed newbies. What they should be doing is replanting the beautiful gardens which they stripped out along Wyandotte Street and Riverside Drive as a cost cutting measure. When will the accountant mentality learn that nibbling away at minor expenses is not the only way to bring improved profitability to a corporation? Putting the gardens back will go a long way in defining the area and creating community pride. That's what one calls a true legacy. If they do that then even they will be proud of Old Walkerville.

Anonymous said...

Typical of this administration. Ignore what the residents want and do ONLY what THEY want! To add insult to injury, they want to "consult" again with taxpayers dollars (YOUR dollars) to do the change?
Is this really branding? If so, the brand is already there just trumpet it. If the city wants to re-name an area just call the old west side of downtown River West Village and build the damn urban village.

Anonymous said...

Is this a serious threat? Yikes! First I have heard! What hogwash! How dare they even CONSIDER changing the name of OUR community! Maybe we should post signs on our front lawns if this gets out of control? We could each pay for our own sign? Just a thought.

Chris Holt said...

This is getting tiring. That appears to be their M.O. Pelt them with tedious little water droplets over-and-over-and-over again, and when they fall asleep,


Thanks for keeping this at the forefront, MOM!

Anonymous said...

I've sent off notes to both AH and FV. Mayor include this link
on our front page so we can comment directly to the city.

Anonymous said...

We can organize a protest. Someone posted that we have signs made up. Good idea except I don't think we need to spend money on that. Some old plywood, some white paint and any other left over paint will give us our signs. If you have some old wood you'd like to donate, post it here.

Maybe we should start to think about picketing on Wyandotte or, worst case scenario boycoting businesses who are in support of this proposed change. Someone hinted here that it might be the new distillers. Perhaps Old Walkerville brewery as well. If anyone from the BIA or the neighbourhood has any info. they might want to post it here.

I have never, ever lived in a neighbourhood before where you always have to fight to survive against your own civic leaders. Too sad for words.

Anonymous said...

Contacted both AH and FV and wires got crossed somewhere. They have had lots of calls and emails. Both say the name stays Walkerville. Seems a misunderstanding, at the meeting FV brought up the point it should remain Walkerville when some planning document came up calling it The Distillery District. Which it isn't. He told them what it is ,Walkerville Thats how I understand it anyway. Give them a call to confirm it and for your own peace of mind. They are both on top of the situation and working for us all. Guess we can douse the torches and put away the tar and feathers. Things just got a little confused in the quotes maybe. Mayor can you use the might and prestige of your position and write another column about it?