October 29, 2007

When Will Club Loft Condos be Fully Closed In?

From Wyandotte

From Monmouth

Any takers? These condos sure are taking their time. It was almost four years ago that they had their wine and cheese open house and probably six since they started the retrofit. The word on the street is that two guys (builder Bob and builder Mike) will be able to say to their grandchildren that they built the whole thing (without an ounce of exageration).

Click on images to enlarge

Alas...We've learned to take each little step as a large event. For the past two months they have been installing new windows. Not the full glass green tint windows which were on the original rendering but windows none the less. By the pace of this particular project one might speculate that the building will be fully glassed in by Christmas. Anybody want to start a pool? And who wants to speculate on when the building will be finally completed? This Spring, next year, the year after that? Looking for takers.

The condo's at this hopefully soon to be POSH Monmouth Road address range in price from $161,000.00 and up. Rumour has it the price ceiling is $309,000.00. There are 69 suites in total. They range in size from 1464 sqare feet to 2579 square feet with the average being approximately 2100 square feet. They are two story units which boast ceiling heights of 17'.

This is going to be a huge attraction to Old Walkerville. Hopefully commercial property owners along Wyandotte Street are taking note and are thinking about freshening up their properties to rise to the needs of our new neighbours. The Ambassodor Cleaning building on Monmouth and Wyandotte would be wise to think about retrofitting to swank commercial shops as well. After all, these affluent residents are going to want to cut their hair, buy clothing and sip on lattes. Facinating evolution isn't it?


Anonymous said...

As someone who lives approximately 200 feet from the Condos, I have suffered the falling bricks, filth, bits of insulation scattered in my garden, and the noise...the NOISE...that first summer was agonizingly unbearable. One whole summer of not being able to use my deck, do my gardening until after sundown. And now? Come on, guys. If I had plunked down $$ on a prospective unit, I'd be mighty P O'd right now. The windows are tacky, and the place is looking more and more like an office bldg. Too, too bad!

Anonymous said...

I agree, the windows are really cheap looking and destroy the whole look. I thought they were supposed to be sheet glass,just one big window, which would have looked classy instead of trashy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...The window choice kinda does make it look like Grace Hospital.

Anonymous said...

Once it is finished it will probably increase our real estate values. With only 2 doing all the construction it must be a very inexpensive renovation that will be very profitable,sales may take a few years but it will sell out faster than they built it. It's definitely a positve for Walkerville.

Anonymous said...

As long as the condo dwellers fit in with the neighbourhood, their dogs don't wear funny sweaters and hats and they pick up after them. Traffic may increase a little on Monmouth. The condo may help with those car lunatics. With that great view from the condos maybe some yards and alleys will get cleaned.

Anonymous said...

Those windows are really ugly. What a disappointment - I was hoping that building might add some prestige to our neighbourhood but I don't think they're going to swank up the neighbourhood at all with those housing-project type windows. Too bad they didn't use nice sheet glass windows, such as those on the old bank building at the corner of Devonshire and Wyandotte - the bldg which now houses Private Exchange.

Anonymous said...

Those windows are really ugly. What a disappointment - I was hoping that building might add some prestige to our neighbourhood but I don't think they're going to swank up the neighbourhood at all with those housing-project type windows. Too bad they didn't use nice sheet glass windows, such as those on the old bank building at the corner of Devonshire and Wyandotte - the bldg which now houses Private Exchange.

Anonymous said...

Those windows are a bad choice. Even if they used the same ones with a dark frame it would have looked a lot better. Those bright white frames are too contrasty for the brick veneer and make the place look like a cadaver warehouse.

Anonymous said...

I've looked at the building many times and considered the blog comments. Such a small detail as the choice of windows, especially the white vynil trim can completely destroy the entire character of a building. We think they look cheap and shabby and we have no interest in purchasing. Buyers with a critical eye will find them even more offensive. There must be some kind of paint that would stick to plastic, black would be the best choice, maybe match the brick colour. A little detail like windows amd frame colour makes quite a difference. Seeing is believing.