October 18, 2007

Toronto Water Bills Rise by 9% for "Aggressive Rebuild of Aging Infrastructure"


Read all about it in the Toronto Star!
9% Increase for Toronto Rate Payers.

Windsor got saddled with an 86% water bill hike.
Think again if you don't feel that there's a need
for an independant forensic audit.
You can help get to the botttom of this.
Contact WeACT to see how.

Funds may be paid into the Legal Fund by visiting any branch of the Royal Bank and making a deposit to Account #08152-1008275.


Anonymous said...

Windsor water rates? Soon a glass of water will cost as much as a cup of coffee :)

Anonymous said...

Something is obviously very wrong here in Windsor. Other municipalities obviously have the same issues facing them yet they tend to mitigate. Maybe things are soo bad here that we don't have that option. How do we get to the bottom of this?

WE Speak said...

Wasn't the message from Councillor Lewenza and the rest that Windsor was the first in the Province to deal with their water infrastructure deficit and we would soon be hearing about massive increases elsewhere in the Province? Ooops - there goes that misinformation problem again.

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