October 26, 2007

Residents Choose Old Walkerville

There seems to be a little confusion about the re-naming of Old Walkerville. Many people have spoken with councillors Halberstadt and Valentinis and were told that there was some confusion on the issue which will soon be corrected. Here are some of those reports:

Comments which were e-mailed to M.O.M. :

"Contacted both AH and FV and wires got crossed somewhere. They have had lots of calls and emails. Both say the name stays Walkerville. Seems a misunderstanding, at the meeting FV brought up the point it should remain Walkerville when some planning document came up calling it The Distillery District. Which it isn't. He told them what it is ,Walkerville Thats how I understand it anyway. Give them a call to confirm it and for your own peace of mind. They are both on top of the situation and working for us all. Guess we can douse the torches and put away the tar and feathers. Things just got a little confused in the quotes maybe."

"Talked to Fulvio & received an e-mail from Alan . They are both telling me it was a delayed proposal & its a dead issue . That said , we need to be vigilant because I smell politics being played on this issue . I was personally at the meeting where the name change was almost unanimously voted down . Because it was a delayed proposal the language was still as it was prior to the voting process at the BIA . At least that is the understanding I was given by our elected officials"

"I heard that Joan Charette, Walkerville BIA liaison, saw the letter and said that the city is going to have a press release stating that this issue is now dead, due to complaints. I will believe it when I see it... Don't worry about the neighbours - they are very motivated and ready to march with torches down to city hall! LOL"

Here are some letters to the Editor pulled from the Windsor Star:




Sounds positive so far although these communications don't explain this remark from last Monday's council meeting:

"Mayor Eddie Francis said there will be a public consultation process on the plan, and the progress report was approved by council without challenge."

Let's see if we get confirmation from the City and/or the BIA. Fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

Lets face it. The Mayor of Windsor is in his own little world and loosing all credibility. Probably when he uses the bathroom he forgets to flush even once, let alone 3 times :) Maybe in the past he had a nepotism hire do it for him. Maybe hes just was to busy thinking about giving away a bunch of money for a car race next year. Whatever. He is quickly become a joke in this town. Make that the province. Better make that the country. Lets keep on his case. Read his statement. He thinks he can do what he wants. Wrong, wrong, wrong Eddie. Can't imagine he graduated law school at the top of his class. Can you?

Congratulations to our 2 guys on Council. Both of them are working for us, not against us as so many say on this blog. Everybody that sent them a letter when all hot and bothered. Give em a thank you call. Afterall, thats the neighbourly Monmouth way!

Anonymous said...

Valentinis is working against you on both the Enwin file (to which he is paid handsomly) and the WUC fiasco. Halberstadt is the only shining example on that council.

As for Eddie, well he knows his days are numbered and wouldn't dare run for mayor again. Thanks Eddie for washing Windsor down the proverbial crapper.