August 29, 2007

BIA Cooking up New Name for Old Walkerville Business District

Distillery District

Back in July of this year, the Mayor rolled out his $900,000.00 "Branding Plan"; a collection of ideas which he wanted implimented before the end of this year. So City Council held a "strategic planning session" and determined to "Brand" districts across the city. Ideas floated were a "Chinatown" in the west end and re-naming Old Walkerville business area as the "Distillery District". Well...Now the hen has come home to roost. Tomorrow Night at the Refine Fitness Studio (formerly Icon Design) the Walkerville BIA and no doubt minions of municipal government are holding a vote to change the area's name to "the Distillery District". To support their little project the City of 'Windsor Web page is already referring to it as "The Distillery District" see here:

Some voting process. Their logic as stated back during the "Strategic Planning Session" is "Providing these kinds of labels bolsters neighbourhood pride and investment". (ahhh...we already have that.) Local residents and some business owners are worried and furious that the City and this BIA are going to seriously damage this business community and surrounding neighbourhood's already strong and unique identity. Some have rightfully pointed out that next year is Old Walkerville's 150th anniversary so why not better invest time and effort in promoting that? 150 years! That's quite an accomplishment for any brand. One writer commented that the new moniker is cold and industrial sounding. Another said: "If the Distillery District name passes, does that mean the new clock on Wyandotte/Kildare has to be replaced to say the Distillery District on it now since it is in the business district? I'm sure Kelly funeral Home would not enjoy advertising that it is located in the Distillery District, especially if family of a loved one who passes, died from an alcohol related death". There is some common sense out there but it does not seem to be coming from the right places. These things have to be better thought through.

Some Words About Branding

Branding is one of the most misused concepts by laypeople and small business owners. Consider its conceptual roots: "Branding is advertising re-branded". Simply translated this means that the advertising industry invented the concept to sell more.....Here it comes....advertising! Yeah! Let's play the game anyway. If you read any advertising book or manual it will say that "the name is the most important element of the brand". That's because it's use in language provides a universal reference point. These sources will also point out that "the name is the one element of the brand that should never change." Here are a couple of classic examples: The shell logo has evolved significantly over time but the name is still Shell. Coke and Pepsi have the same stories. As one advertising agent put it: "The brand name should be like Caesar: As constant as the Northern Star" So what made Shell, Coke and Pepsi dominant world players? The answer is TIME. They have not fallen prey to the temptation of change. Now they are burned (branded) into the tip of our foreconscience. Sounds a lot like Old Walkerville doesn't it. The key for real success in this business community has to be committment and superior communications. Not "branding". Old Walkerville already is a great brand. We have to keep in mind that when local citizens are excited by a proposition they will help to sustain it and communicate it to customers and friends through their enthusiasm and commitment. If they are turned off then the whole process fails. Honouring your stakeholders becomes key. The Old Walkerville BIA has to do just that.

One final note: These BIAs should have at least one neighbourhood representative. The input and feedback would be most helpful. What do you think?

Some links:

Tomorrow is "D Day"

There is not much time (the meeting is tomorrow - Thursday August 30 at 6:30 PM) so if you don't want the area's name changed to "The Distillery District" you have to make some calls, send some e-mails and show up for the meeting. Make your message clear. "Old Walkerville Business District" is the brand! Here are the places to contact:

Attention: Ms. Joan Charrette.

Telephone: (519) 519-919-8733

Fulvio Valentinis: Phone: (519) 977-5067


Alan Halberstadt: Phone: (519) 973-8323



Anonymous said...

If they take as much time and consideration as they did putting DEAD plants all over Walkerville it should be an equally successful re- branding campaign.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... Like we didn't see that coming. The BIA elected not to pay an outside contractor to water the flowers on a daily basis even though they are surrounded by other BIA's who do (including Drouillard!) So they put in tiny plant baskets which all died within three weeks. They are bolted down to cement too. Let's see how much fun its going to be to shovel snow around those. I'll brand ya. Where's my iron.

Anonymous said...

China Town? Sure. Let's pigeon hole and stereotype the west end. Why is everyone always trying to change Old Walkerville? They obviously don't get it. Everyone in this city knows where all of these districts are and what they have to offer so why waste money and effort for something that will not change the status quo?

Anonymous said...

What time is this meeting tomorrow? Is it open to the public?

So it's still Walkerville but they want to add Distillery District for the businesses on Wyandotte Moy-Walker Rd? What about the El Mayor to Harvey Lo's? I suggest-The Red Light District. Or Middle East District.

Anonymous said...

I agree.... we already have hookers and the AL-QUEDA is still rolling along so either works for me!!

Walkerville BIA said...

It has been interesting reading the information and comments that have been featured on this website. Unfortunately much of the information is incorrect and I would appreciate the opportunity to respond.

Many residents that I have spoken to are unaware of what exactly a BIA is or does. The term BIA stands for Business Improvement Area. The City of Windsor has 9 BIA’s. It collects "business tax" dollars from the businesses in Walkerville and returns a portion of it to the BIA for the specific purposes of beautifying and promoting the area. We have been considering ways to attract more business and tourism to the area, which is our purpose. The name "Distillery District" was brought forward as one suggestion. It was also one suggestion that came from the City of Windsor and unfortunately was posted on their website prematurely. I can assure you that steps are being taken to have it removed as soon as possible. However, I am grateful to live in a country where if someone has an idea it should be discussed freely and openly and voted on, which is exactly what is intended at our meeting tomorrow night. If the membership votes against it, it will not pass. It's really that simple. It’s interesting to me that anyone would think the business owners of the Walkerville BIA would be so easily pushed over – these are very intelligent and strong people who had the courage to go into business for themselves.

I would also like to respond to the comments regarding the “dead flowers” that we planted. My husband and I personally planted these flowers throughout the neighbourhood and I can assure you they were alive when we did so. The BIA budget is certainly not a large sum of money and from that budget comes the funding of the Artwalk, the Holiday Walkabout, planters and plants, the painting of the poles, the new benches, the trash cans, the clock in the Kildare park, etc. The hanging baskets were simply too expensive for us to maintain. I have had many discussions with the other 8 BIA’s in Windsor about the cost of these baskets being difficult to absorb, including Drouillard. We tried from December to July to find an alternative that we could afford and that was acceptable to the City of Windsor’s strict insurance and risk management requirements. We installed these planters and asked the business owners to water and maintain them. Windsor has been extremely dry this year (until lately) and we need to find an alternative watering method. We are looking into having a student water them in the future. It’s very unfortunate that this attempt to beautify the area is viewed as such a negative thing – I was quite impressed with them when they looked their best and received many positive comments the night of the Artwalk.

Mr. Angerman, Mayor of Monmouth, I would sincerely appreciate the opportunity to meet with you in person. Let me buy you a coffee and I’m certain I can answer any concerns or questions you may have. If my answers are not acceptable to you, then by all means, you can continue to write as you do. I think it’s only fair to be given the opportunity to discuss things in person. Are you free tomorrow – Thursday, August 30th during the day. I’d like to invite you to Taloola’s on Devonshire – please let me know what time would be convenient for you. You can email me at

Thank you for the opportunity to post.

Joan Charette
Walkerville BIA

Anonymous said...

Dear me, why do the people with titles behind their names run on so?

A wonderful National Post column entitled "Jargonics"
took on the fashionable B-word a few weeks ago.

Briefly put, you can label it "ibov" or "mysteak", but it's still a cow's rump to a farmer and farmers can smell BS a mile away

WE Speak said...

Congratulations to Joan Charette for reaching out.

Contrary to popular belief, many of Windsor's bloggers seek out interaction from the various officials and organizations that they blog about. The response, I'm sad to say, is often either being ignored or receiving glad tidings like M.O.M. recently received from a certain Councillor.

I don't know about others, but I certainly turned to blogging after years of listening to platitudes and pandering from various local politicians and bureaucrats. I choose to blog under my own name (because I can, this is not always an option for some) as it gives me a voice. I have expanded my horizons, knowledge and community interaction through my blog. Topher Holt's ...Scale Down Windsor is one good example. While we may come at issues or situations from different political perspectives, developing an extended interaction, whether online or off, can lead to breaking down walls and misconceptions that so many of today's labels create.

Whether some people like it or not, an online "community" of sorts is developing in Windsor. People can choose to embrace it as Joan has, or reject it, as many have already chosen. Choice is a wonderful thing.

WE Speak said...

PS. - I vote for Olde Walkerville. The history behind the name speaks for itself. Distillery District automatically brings negative images and ideas to mind before any positve.

Embrace the brand you already have and enhance it.

Anonymous said...

In response to Ms. Charette of the Walkerville BIA.

I am very glad to see your comment here. Thank you for filling in the blanks. You are right, many people are unaware of the BIA and it's purpose so getting this kind of information out is very helpful. Please feel free to post any time you like. Better yet, if you wish to promote or simply get any information out just e-mail it to
In the end I think that we all have the same mission which is to promote this great neighbourhood called Old Walkerville.
I, for one, did notice the new baskets and I do appreciate them. I also knew from speaking with some of the local business people that it was up to them to keep them watered. Many are doing just that. Thank you for your time and effort in that. We are also aware of the high cost of watering the hanging baskets and the related insurance issues. Some news does get around fairly fast.
I will say that at this time I am watching this thing very carefully. I do agree with area residents that re-naming the district is wrong for a mumber of reasons. And I can appreciate that your members (business owners)are a strong group. I have to trust that they chose to locate in Old Walkerville for reasons deeper than cheap rent. Residents have to be considered a part of this equation as well. Most of us share a huge love and pride for all that is Old Walkerville including the business district. We patronize and promote local shops and venues shamelessly and we wish there were more. We know that the BIA is working on that and we do see many positive results (especially for the near future). Let's watch. Fingers crossed.

I'm afraid I'll have to skip tea this time but it's not out of the question. We can arrange that for a later date. Again, don't hesitate to send any information which you want to put out there. Have fun...See you in the hood.

Anonymous said...

As a resident in Walkerville, I find it said that the business owners can't go outside and water these taxpayer funded gifts a couple of times a week - afterall they did beautify their commercial strip while they were alive.

But the question that begs to be answered - if the BIA did not have a plan to "water" these plants, why do it in the first place? Seems a waste to me. It's like buying fish and not feeding them.

But, if business owners wanted the BIA to do something for the district, I can't see why they don't go out and water them. Some have it looks like, but others haven't. Because the beauty they once provided, now provide an eyesore.

Anonymous said...

They are not tax funded. Business Owners who are members of he BIA (Business Improvement Area)pay for them.

Anonymous said...

Here's a nice name to an area that has been decimated but still functioning, albeit on a smaller scale, the area used to be called Olde Town (the urban village area).

Why not call it The West Village and get those RFP's out? Another name could be River West Village.
Better than letting it sit idle with all of those useless parking lots. But then again where would the city busses park if they couldn't sit and idle on Chatham Street?

Anonymous said...

Well then all the more reason for business owners to water them.

If they wanted them and paid for them, then water them.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Angerman. You name says it all. You are just an "angry man". You write with half the facts and out of spite. You are entitled to you opinion but when you attack others productive work you are nothing more than a hypocrite. How would you like it if we wrote a blog on your efforts to clean up your street. I seem to recall several dead hanging baskets on the poles on Monmouth the last time I drove up the street. How about a little less complaining to the City about those who are trying to change things for the better.

Chris Holt said...

Anyone know how the BIA meeting went last night and how they voted? I let our two councilors know my feelings (I live in Olde Walkerville and will always call it that, regardless) as well as Ms. Charette, and I hope many others did as well.

BTW: Ms. Charrette, thank you so much for chiming in. Lets keep an open line of communications, because you have a lot of residents who are behind the Walkerville BIA 110%. Is there a way that we can include the residents when it comes to the BIA? Together, we could be unbeatable.

Anonymous said...

The meeting is tonightg at 6:30! You still have an hour to get there.

Anonymous said...

To the last anonymous: M.O.M. put those hanging baskets up (brackets and all) out of his own pocket several years ago. Until this year he has also planted and maintained most of them. This year he has too many other things going on. Just for the record this is just one of many things which he has done for the street out of pocket. By the way...He didn't bring any of that up here. The information which you are spouting off is from people leaving comments. Pay attention to what is said here.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Straighten Up. Among other things, two babies to mind. To last anonymous: YOU are commenting on something with no facts at all.

Anonymous said...

What facts were incorrect? What facts were missing?

MrSleep said...

Just to let everyone know , at the general Business Improvement Area (BIA)Assoc. meeting last night there will be no name change of Wakerville not that there was really any intention of one. Branding is still an important issue for the association. To survive, a business area has to be identified with something.We hope that people who read this blog will continue to shop the area.

Anonymous said...

I know this blog is about "branding" and re-naming, but I see others have made comments on the planters.

To the BIA
While we certainly would like to offer our patronage. I think that the members of the BIA should be notified that the lack of effort in a simple thing such as watering plants is a direct reflection of how the business is viewed. If they can't make the effort to beautify the area then why should we make the effort to shop in the area. Also what does that say to how they will
run a business or treat me as a customer? Not a good impression.

P.S. I'm glad I do not live in the Distillery District.

WE Speak said...

Too each his own. Given the opportunity, I'd move to Walkerville in a heartbeat, especially the Monmouth area.

Just for fun, do some research on "Monmouth Road" going back 10 or 15 years and then take a walk down there today.

Anonymous said...

To Mr. Sleep. I think that the point has been made. The brand was, is and always should be Old Walkerville. There is a bounty of stuff to work with in that name.

Chris Holt said...

Give me Olde Walkerville over any other Windsor neighbourhood any day!

Paul - we'd LOVE to have you move to the neighbourhood. Get on over here, will ya'?