June 12, 2009

Windsor Adjusts for Recession, Strike

Food for thought. A Monmouth Roadie sent this in. A good survival guide and nutricious recipe for these trying times. Especially since we now have an overabundance of criters roaming about. Guess which roadie sent this in and win a free coffee. Hint: Roadie might remind you of the interviewer. Let's end our City's strike madness. The Mayor and CUPE need to get back to negotiations now. Get that...Negotiations...Give and Take. We are starting to look silly.

The real story here:


Anonymous said...

Cheap shot at Windsor.

Anonymous said...

to the poster above... LIGHTEN UP!

Anonymous said...

It's all a part of the comedy which is Windsor. Perfect fodder for an endless series of the Simpsons. If the Mayor would not have brought this to the table none of this would have happened. It probably would have been easier and a lot less painful if he ammended the bi-law instead of trying to get it to look like Post Retirement Benefits are part of the collective agreement which they are NOT. Instead he had to hurt those employees who could least afford this. The office pool. And he says he is doing it for Windsor. Yeah right. Throw your weakest employees to the lions, get the public to turn on one another and hope the divide will bring them to their knees. So far it looks like it is backfiring on him. Who does he care about? Ahh...Stupid question.

Anonymous said...

be specific, the mayor of monmouth or the mayor of windsor?

Anonymous said...

Windsor SILLY!!!!
MOM Rocks!