Illegal Dumping in Old Walkerville during Art in the Park
While record crowds were cruising Old Walkerville for Art in the Park this pair was showing their appreciation in another way. Around 2:15 P.M. and in broad daylight they celebrated the City's garbage strike by dropping off a few gifts in Old Walkerville. They entered through the alley behind the 800 block of Walker Road, found this empty lot and decided that it would be the perfect home for the remnants of a near new Nissan SUV. There are homes next door!
Neatly chopped into several major sections by torch it was just offloaded into this field sharp edges and all. The pictures below were taken on the stealth and offered to the Windsor Police along with full descriptions and a licence plate number. The Police Department said the pics were not necessary and said that they would have an officer out shortly. Two and a half hours had passed and the only people who arived at the scene were the same two men but this time with a tow truck and a new gift carcass. They dropped it off in the same field and left. Again pics were taken, police called and the same anwer was given. "We don't need the pics and we'll have an officer out as soon as possible". After three hours police did arrive only to say that there was nothing they could do because it is a private property and by-law issue.
The by-law for that property clearly states that no outside storage is permitted. Never mind illegal dumping. It was explained to them that the perps were not the ownership but that made little difference in their answer. Does the real owner know about this? With vague answers such as those given by police who knows?
For anyone who might know where these guys are the name on the side of the tow truck is Zaitoun Towing. By the logos on the truck they will tow anything in Canada, the U.S. or Lebanon. The telephone numbers on the truck are: (519) 991-4140 and (519) 254-9777. So far no answer at either line.
So now Old Walkerville has some new blight which the City apparently has no problem with. Why would they? They seem quite content with burdening Windsor residents with growing hills of rotting garbage all over the city. It seems our Mayor, Council and CUPE could care less. No rules now it seems. Free-for-all. So...This blog will be forwarded to at least one extra reader today. Anyone in by-law enforcement who gives a damn.
Offloading a chopped Nissan SUV complete with new 5.3 V8
Make and licence as they leave.
New gift except this time they publicize who they are. Zaitoun Towing. (519) 991-4140 or (519) 254-9777
Gifts from the Zeitoun Bros. Old Walkerville thanks you.
P.S...That Nissan can't be any older than a month old. The engine is brand new and sitting there for the taking. Whoever might need it can consider it a gift from M.O.M.