August 8, 2007


In a perfect world stuff like the FLUSH campaign happens. A tidal wave of citizen anger and concern rushed staight for the Windsor Utilities Commission via their own communication network. Pipeline if you will. While some citizens worried that such an event might wreak havoc within our geriatric infrastructure most people were quite at ease knowing that it physically wouldn't amount to much more than a dry run.

Did the message get through? You bet it did. Loud and clear. Area politicians and the WUC are stinging from a quick lesson learned: Never, ever assume that your constituents or your customers are stupid. Any advertising executive knows that's a sure fire way to lose business. There won't be any surprise if this WUC fiasco resonates well out towards the next municipal election. Our current City Council might want to button up their slickers for that water storm.

So now what? By all accounts it looks like the Mayor and Council have ceded to opening up a third party forensic audit. They're all pounding their pecks yelling "Bring it on!" The audit will be a good thing. It will set this thing straight and pave the way for a more responsible and accountable utility. Petitions for bringing in the Auditor General are available from this blog under NOOzbits to the left and at other locations listed below. Please download it and get a few neighbours to sign on. The sooner the better.

A Ton of Thanks:

First and foremost we have to thank the following area bloggers for their dedicated and relentless coverage of this event:
Ed Arditti - Windsor City Blog
Continuous and relevant insight into the politics of City council and the WUC
Chris schnurr - Sound Off with Chriss Schnurr
Insightful forensic reporting
Paul Synnott - Windsor Municipal Shadow
Alan Halberstadt - Alan
City Councillor - Guts enough to call for audit.
We Speak - Kept the banner front and center
Special thanks to AChannel for helping us to put wings on this thing and very special thanks to Al Pervin from CKLW radio who's show was well done, balanced, polite and a class act.
Thanks to everyone who voiced opininions and kept the dialogue up on all of the blogs and thanks to everyone who voiced commentary in the Windsor Star's Letters to the Editor. Here are some of those:
Rate Hikes are more reason city worth leaving
Employees, not customers at fault in Enwin Bill fiasco
Customers "hostage" to WUC incompetence
Rate hikes will victimize those on fixed incomes
Windsorites on hook for city leader's failures
Stupidity only message toilet tactic would send
Mass flush idea would be senseless waste of water
Stay tuned for our next City Council Meeting. See you out there.


Anonymous said...

Good going.Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I think a judicial inquiry is what is needed not a City of Windsor Auditor (more money from a person who will receive a paycheque from those he/she is to be auditing).

Nothing but a full judicial inquiry is needed due to the poor, questionable running (or is it ruining?) of this city!

Anonymous said...

Dave...I think you are right. We also have to be wary that Council doesn't jump in to call for the audit for the same reasons. Hopefully these circulating petitions will ramp up quickly so that someone like Al Nelman can lead the charge.

Anonymous said...

To JEREMY TYRRELL who's letter to the editor was entitled "Stupidity only message tactic would send".

Didn't your run for City Council last time out? Perhaps your comment in this letter sums up why you lost. You just called all of your constituents "stupid". In the title and in the text of your message. If you decide to run again don't come knockin on my door because I'll let you have it right then and there. And don't think I'm not going to be talking this thing up either. You're some piece of work.