May 17, 2006

Shopping You Blind

This guy was up and down both alleys and in several back yards last weekend

Have you ever noticed the stray shopping carts on the streets and in the alleys? There is a purpose to them. They are used to haul looted booty from one place to another. Usually from where the goods are stolen to places where they are easily fenced. Over the last several weeks a group of Monmouth Roadies have been collecting them by the truck load. Literally. Every week or so several are taken back to the single source from whence they came. Some intersting patterns were noticed. These shopping carts are mostly from the Basics Food Store downtown. All of them have had the quarters gauged out of their locking mechanism and all of them usually end up in the exact same locations throughout this neighbourhood. One location is a known "fence". (you may have spotted their weekly yard sale on Walker Road) Some are found in pretty much the same locations up and down the alleys and some are found at the same location on Walker Road. If you spot one of these things in the hood you should notify the store it came from to have it picked up. The reasons are very basic. One is that we don't need them litering the hood and the other is that it may be used in the next shopping spree at your house. If you see anyone walking one of these things around the hood you should call it into the police. Get these yokels used to taking some other route. One perp was followed right from the Basics store as he travelled up and down every alley, bobbed over fences and stole beer bottles from backyards in broad daylight. He weaved through the alleys all the way to the beer store on Walker Road; cashed in for a twelve pack and left. Please keep this in mind everybody. We do not need to be known as the home of the "blue light special.

Shopping carts show up at this 700 block address several times a week. Carriers have been spotted delivering everything from lawn and garden tools to computers and fax machines.


Anonymous said...

That is scary! Good job, taking a photo of the hooligan!

Anonymous said...

Or they could just be from people without cars, carrying their groceries home.