November 26, 2008


New Prisoner Transportation Vehicle Designed to Rake in Cash for Windsor


This post is based on a simple budgetary figure brought to light by Paul Synnott in his "Windsor Municipal Shadow" blog. In it he points out that:

"In 2008, Windsor will pay $1.2 million in court security costs and another $1 million in prisoner transportation costs."

Because the issue is current lets just have some fun with the budgetary figure for Prisoner Transportation costs. $1,000,000.00 is the 2008 figure.

Here are some math presumptions:
Vehicle for Prisoner Transportation: $150,000.00 *
One Round Trip to and from the courts per day (20 km tops) X 260 days/year = 5200 km per year. At this mileage the vehicle will only have 52,000 km on it after ten years of service. It can be assumed then that the vehicle will be good for ten years at a cost of $15,000.00 year. * Maybe the current vehicle still has a few years left in it.
Vehicle Insurance: A generous $8000.00 year.
Fuel: 5200 km/year. Assume 2km/litre. $2,600.00
Two Cops: One to drive and one to chat up the customers: $208,000.00 (benefits in).
Administrative Support: One salaried person: $104,000.00** **Maybe this is already shared with other duties.
Vehicle Maintenance: A very generous $10,000.00
Sundry Expenses: What could they be? $10,000.00
Grand Total: $357,600.00 per year.
Add another $253,600.00 (Administrative Support is shared) if maybe they require two vehicles to run daily.

Here is the best part... "the Province has revealed that they will be uploading the costs of prisoner transportation beginning in 2012" and, as Paul points out, video conferencing is also coming into play.

Given the City's method for budgeting $1000.000.00 for prisoner transportation one has to wonder what other budget items are so inflated and why? Is there a special Kitty and what might it be for? Looks like they're makin money hunny! Please read Windsor Municipal Shadow here:

The Grand Total becomes: $611,200.00 per year.

One has to wonder what makes up the balance of the $1,000,000.00 figure. Maybe someone from the City could show us where this math is off (what might be missing)?


Anonymous said...

I know this is for the US - but there, the cost of a prisoner transportation van was around $68,000.00

The Review did a public records' request of its own and secured a copy of Swanson's estimated cost analysis Monday from Alliance City Law Director Andrew Zumbar, and it shows the "estimated cost per prisoner day," as being calculated from a breakdown that includes purchase of a $68,581.95 transport van, $29,565.31 in transport costs, $51,199.90 in staff uniforms and dry cleaning as well as $1.5 million for inmate medical and mental health care.

Anonymous said...

Niagara Police - (Imagine the Police Board there makes their minutes publicly available - wow!!!!)

Purchasing – Award of Quotation #2005-Q-152 – Prisoner Escort Van Replacement

The Board considered Service report 289/2005 dated November 30, 2005 requesting the Board approve
the award of quotation for a replacement prisoner transportation unit.
Moved by: B. Smeaton
Seconded by: M. Woodhouse
That the Board approve:

1. The purchase of Chevrolet Express Cutaway chassis from David Chevrolet Oldsmobile
Limited, Welland, at a purchase price of $31,059 plus applicable taxes from Vehicle

Capital Project PO0503;

2. The purchase of a manufactured four compartment prisoner transport unit from PK
Van Bodies, Oshawa, at a cost of $36,707 plus applicable taxes from Vehicle Capital
Project PO0503.

Anonymous said...

ahh - Windsor Police does have some minutes posted.

Apparently 3 prisoner transport vans in 2005 cost $77,000:

RESOLVED THAT the Windsor Police Services Board authorizes the City of Windsor Corporate Services, Purchasing Division, to facilitate the Windsor Police Service in purchasing three (3) replacement 2006 Ford E350 prisoner transport vans at a total price of $77,766.00 excluding all taxes.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh but for the power of deduction!

Anonymous said...

Today the Windsor Star editorial stated that prisoner transportation costs would be between $185,000.00 max. The premise of this article is based on a budget of $1000,000.00. Which is correct?

Anonymous said...

Using Chris' find, each relatively new (3yr. old) PTV amortises out at $3704.00/yr. This adjusts the end result to $588,608.00 total per year. Where is the other half a million?

Then there is the prisoner transportation cost which the Windsor Star published (per "confused"). $185,000.00.

Let's hope it's actually somewhere in the middle. That would free up 3/4 of a mil for something worth while like the library, crossing guards, tourism etc. It would certainly help keep taxes down.

Anonymous said...

Big threats there Eddie Francis. As if the gov't cars that you won't pay up for a measly 3 years. Just how out of touch is this mayor anyway?

This city is absolutely clueless as are most of the residents. Is it truly any wonder why we look like shit, feel like shit and smell like shit? Because the city is full of shit and people blindly follow and step right into it!

Anonymous said...

It appears manifest to me that "dreaming the impossible dream" is the preoccupation of Windsor city council and some employees of The Windsor Star.

Using a fortified van to transport one individual, however unstable and dangerous, is inherently wasteful. I don't think patrol vehicles are inadequate modes of prisoner transportation, the SUVs especially.