July 12, 2007

Old Walkerville BIA on a Roll

This Business Improvement Association is taking care of business. Last week the tree grates were all cleaned out and adjusted to tree growth and this week the period light standards are getting spruced up. A new lamp standard was even installed at the corner of Devonshire and Wyandotte (the original was sheared off in a car accident last year). These small improvements have already made a huge difference in the appeal of the district. Hopefully the Parks Department will come through with some trees to replace the dead ash trees and others which were broken off due to being small caliber. Hats off to our BIA! Keep on workin it.

This is the stump of what was a lamp standard at Devonshire and Wyandotte. Our painter above is painting it's replacement.

This old girl finally got some breathing space. Pheeeuw!


Anonymous said...

Major urban renewal project on Walker Road last night with a suspicious warehouse fire next to Big Tony's. Start of a trend? Neighbourhood improvement, accident or arson?

Anonymous said...

oooooooooooooooh...New owners too.