June 19, 2007

Made Deadly in China

Don't die wondering.
Chinese goods headed for the Americas

China is proving to be a repeat offender with its poisonous offerings to North America. The recent purge of name brand pet foods from store shelves appeared as just the tip of the ice berg. Today (June 19, 2007), Canadian news sources announced that poison tooth paste has shown up in southwestern Ontario. http://news.sympatico.msn.ctv.ca/TopStories/ContentPosting.aspx?feedname=CTV-TOPSTORIES_V2&showbyline=True&newsitemid=CTVNews%2f20070619%2fcounterfeit_toothpaste_070619 This stuff is apparently loaded with ethylene glycol, the main ingredient of anti-freeze. It has already cropped up across the United States and in Latin America. It’s even packaged as a knock-off to Colgate. Remember the deadly melamine filler found in pet food? It wasn’t to be wasted. Its use was diverted to the production of poultry feed. Why waste a profit generating ingredient, right? The list goes on:

Baby formula that has killed
Thomas & Friends" wooden railway toys which are loaded with lead paint
Diethylene glycol
contaminated "Mr. Cool Junior" toothpaste sent to Central America
Chinese dietary supplements
Toxic cosmetics and counterfeit medicines
Lipstick with cancer causing dye
Vitamin C supplements and poison cold remedies
Dried Apples preserved with a cancer-causing chemical
Frozen catfish laden with banned anti-biotics
Scallops and sardines coated with putrefying bacteria
Mushrooms laced with pesticides
Imported Monkfish which was actually Puffer fish (deadly)
Blood serum

These were among the 107 known imports from China which the Food and Drug Administration detained at U.S. ports last month alone. U.S. inspection records show that China has flooded our market with food unfit for human consumption for many years.
On the medicinal front, China has captured 90% of the U.S. market for vitamin C, 70% of the world’s penicillin, 50 percent of its aspirin, 35% of its acetaminophen (some under the brand Tylenol) and the bulk of vitamins A, B12 and E. This all happened in less than a decade.

So what are our governments and regulatory bodies doing about all of this? Hanging on for the ride. The hard fact is that the North American economy is intrinsically attached at the hip to China’s new found industrial revolution. It is like hooking up to the Borg. We want to sell their cheap products here and we want a chunk of their markets as well. Kow Tow is the name of the game. Chinese authorities aren’t doing much to help either. They always start with denial and then they go on the offensive. None of that seemed to appease us so last week a Beijing court handed down a death penalty for Zheng Xiaoyu, the former head of the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA), after he was convicted of dereliction of duty and accepting some $850,000 in bribes. Now that’s how you responsibly manage a government regulatory body. Lip service just for us.

So what do we do? To start we have to get in the habit of reading labels. We also need to push for full packaging disclosures which tell us the source of all ingredients. Be careful where you buy. Dollar stores are notorious for selling off-brand Chinese food products. Could you even trust a package of crackers from China? Coffee cups and dinner plates found at these stores and elsewhere are likely to have lead paint on them. Plastic toys made with inferior or questionable polymers can leach poison. Think about your diet supplements. Remember…Just about all vitamin C is manufactured in China. Watch out for imported canned or processed food products of any kind. Maybe it’s simply time to stop buying Chinese goods whenever possible. Why do we need to wok on the wild side?



Anonymous said...

you no like china
china only mak when you buy
not to blame china
why america buy


Anonymous said...

Help me to understand Yuan. Your opinion is that it is good to make products that kill or make people sick and cause permanent health problems. Are you suggesting that the people of China hate North Americans and want to sell us products,take our money while killing our children. Yuan, that is criminal.

Anonymous said...

Yuan...Nothing against the Chinese. You are right. North Americans do have a say in many of the things which are imported but we also have to have faith and understanding that the products we choose are safe for human consumption. It has to be about good, ethical business and trusted business partnering. By the way...What province are you from. I don't recognize the inflection.

Anonymous said...

Yuan is more than a name - it is a concept of the Tao; an ancient philosophy, it's meaning - "To follow one's destiny; a person capable of altering it like a river moving through rocks" and Yuan-zhong Xu has - arriving in Canada, starting a new destiny for himself and family. It can't be easy. May I wish you success. May I wish you well.

Anonymous said...
