June 18, 2007

Graffiti Going the Way of the Dodo?

It's been several months since we last looked at the Graffiti problem in Old Walkerville and in Windsor at large. Not much seems to have changed. That is, not much new tagging has taken place and the old marks are still in place. Net activity zero. Is this a positive indicator? Maybe. It could be that the message is starting to sink in that this sort of vandalism is just plain lame. It doesn't land you in the hall of cool and it won't get you a chick.

If this hypothesis holds true then whats next? There is probably no better time than now to start blotting out each and every trace of graffiti. Get rid of the examples while idle minds are otherwise preoccupied. If there is a blemish on our properties then we should take a stab at removal now. Otherwise the opportunity is just as good for the Municipality to exorcize every shred of evidence from our streets and alleys. "Out of site; out of mind."

311 is the proper tool for this. It's also a good gage as to how much this city administration cares. Sieze the moment.


Anonymous said...

Clearly you haven't been around the area between Chilver and Hall.

Graffitti is quite prominent.

Anonymous said...

Yep... the taggers have just moved further south as well. Drive up and down Tecumseh road and it's a holy mess. And the business owners rarely try to stay ahead of the taggers either. It's aggravating..

Anonymous said...

And the city is doing nothing, absolutely nothing about graffiti, thats the general policy on any issue by city administration on any problem, DO NOTHING