June 14, 2010

How to Market Grass Roots or Please Pass the Beefsteaks

Downtown Farmer's Market from the Street

This past Saturday saw the seasonal opening of Downtown Windsor's fledgling Farmer's Market. Attendance for both vendors and the patrons was high as if last Winter and Spring did not happen. Business seemed brisk and by all accounts this new venue for Downtown Windsor seems to have wings. Hopefully it will see some critical mass with more vendors and attrractions to come. It was a lot of fun.  Here are some pics:                                              
Click on them to enlarge!

Love them Beefsteaks.

Arts and Crafts



Tasty Beefsteaks.  Its tomato sandwich season!

Current Ward3 Councillor Valentinis Chatting it up with Patrons and Constituents 

Summerberry Fruit Dip Mix Anyone?

Organic Stuff

Brisk Business

Something for Everyone

Bring your family and friends next Saturday morning!


Another Apartment in Blogville. said...

I'll bring my friends and family...when they lose the pony rides! no reason for a pony to be there witha saddle on it in 90 degree weather on hot pavement with no shade from the sun. I love the market - but I'll hit Market Square on Ottawa until they lose the pony rides! I love markets! Crafts! Local music! And supporting downtown - which I know will thrive...but i don't support petting zoos! Get the word out for them to end these pointless pony rides! It cheapens the idea behind the market! - great write up though - and great pics! I know they are holding a meeting about the pony rides this thursday...can't wait to check it out (when they make the right decision!)..

M.O.M. said...

Hey Dan...
Appreciate your stance. You may miss the opportunity to check this place out as the city has already told the vendors that the market will not be there for long. They are going to use that lot for parking for the Armouries as it relates to the Windsor Symphony. Hopefully another downdown location might prove to be as good or perhaps even better.