Tree Removal Monmouth Road Style
Why destroy a perfectly good tree when you can simply give it a new home. Monmouth Road residents did their due diligence for Earth Day 2009. First they contacted the local utilities for service locates, then they contacted Tecumseh Tree Removal and a perfectly good tree was saved.
Monmouth Road front yards are compact. From time to time overzealous gardeners will plant a tree on their lawn only to realize a few short years later that it gets blended into street trees turning their once lush lawn into bare mud. Usually the tree suffers the correction at the business end of a chain saw. Not this time. This eight inch caliber, 25 foot ornamental was skillfully removed, roots in tact, and taken to a new home. Well done.

Spade is skillfully positioned around the tree base.
Spade is lowered into the earth cradling the root mass.
Tree is lifted from the lawn
Tree is removed and an equally sized earth plug replaces the earth taken with the tree.
Wow! Great pictures - thanks for posting. I wish I could have seen this in action. Is this really expensive to have done?
To Anonymous:
Not expensive at all. $200.00 plus the tree. If you hired someone with a chainsaw it would probably cost in tghe same vicinity.
I tried to get the city to do that to one on their property in front of my home. You can guess the outcome.
So much for "greening" Windsor.
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