November 14, 2013

Please Help us to Save Willistead Park! By Sara Venney

Very suddenly, and without proper notification, the city began to build service roads in Willistead Park which city representatives are now claiming, after intense questioning by residents, are for 'wheelchair' accessibility. Many residents of the area are now protesting against the city's plan because we suspect that the roadways (more like super-paths) are being created for a different kind of 'accessibility'. Accessibility for Art in the Park vendors and guests.

We must not let the city take 'paradise' and turn it into what will essentially be an asphalt maze comprised of 10' to 16' wide loop de loop super-paths reaching, and in some cases even circling around, practically every nook and cranny of the park. We can’t allow the city to ruin the manor's lovely grounds by making the complicated Art in the Park vendor route a permanent feature! It would not be right to forever alter, so drastically, the peacefulness of the Walker family grounds - for a two-day-per-year event! It was never, ever intended to be the equivalent of a fair ground.

There are already accessible sidewalks in the park, as well as surrounding the park on all four sides, plus there is a driveway to the manor and coach house. When I walk in the park, which I do several times per week, I follow the existing sidewalk which runs through the middle of the park (north to south), or the other which runs east to west. (The two paths dissect in the middle of the park. All areas are visible from the current paths.) Were I to become confined to a wheelchair I would be just as content to view the park as I always have. From these central paths the beauty and tranquillity seems to be everywhere. As a matter of fact, I would resent having to follow the proposed new route because it is not direct enough, especially for one with mobility issues.

While I applaud the drainage work being done, I feel that we absolutely MUST convince the city to abandon their plan to waste thousands and thousands of tax payer’s dollars ($400,000.00) to construct these roads which will forever deface Willistead Park. We could recommend instead that a portion of the budgeted funds be spent on performing required maintenance on the existing paths to make the surface smooth enough for those with mobility issues to be able to travel throughout the park with ease. We could also suggest that perhaps the city could widen the paths to 6' making it possible for one wheelchair to be able to pass another when necessary. Since Glengarda (just east of Pillette), which was also a magnificent tree’d property (spanning all the way from Riverside Drive to Wyandotte), and which was also entered through wrought iron gateways, was sold to developers by the nuns who owned it, Willistead is the only such property left in Windsor. All the more reason why we owe it to our grandchildren and great grandchildren to preserve Willistead Park - the way it is. The proposed super-paths will destroy the old world charm and ambiance. They will destroy the historical fabric and intent of the grounds bequeathed to us by Mr. Walker. It is important to keep the park as green as possible, with cooling lawns, gardens and trees, and to preserve the integrity and beauty of the manor's grounds for future generations - for ALL Windsorites and whether or not they have mobility issues. It works absolutely fine the way it is. It does not need to be turned into a permanent fair ground. After all…half of the fun of Art in the Park is taking it in walking through the grass.

If you haven’t already written to the city councillors and the mayor to let them know that you will not accept asphalt super-paths in Willistead Park, I urge you to please do so. I would also ask you to please join the Save Willistead Park Facebook group if you are not already a member. Up until now, Willistead Park has withstood the test of time. We must not be the generation which allows the understated charm and elegance of the Willistead grounds to become just a distant memory, something that can only be seen in pictures and paintings.

Sara Venney


Anonymous said...

I love that picture Mayor!! Sara

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Sara!!!!! Talk about taking unbelievable advantage of us!!!

Anonymous said...

Dante Pecile joined Save Willistead Park! Facebook group via this post.

Anonymous said...

Thank YOU Phyllis and Dante, for your support. We just can NOT let the city modernize the aesthetics of our historical park. - Sara V.