June 7, 2010

Wyandotte Open to Traffic on Wednesday

Temprary asphalt bridge at Wyandotte and Walker.
Click on Images to Enlarge
Wear sunglasses on Wednesday.  This street is brighter than the salt flats.

Devonshire approach will be paved today and tomorrow.

For Old Walkerville residents who have endured the the Wyandotte street traffic detour traffic over the past few weeks your frustration is about to end.  Wyandotte Street will be open to through traffic starting this Wednesday. 

Over the past couple of months Old Walkerville has been under siege by detour traffic at all hours of the day.  Traffic has been pouring through the neighbourhood side streets with Cataraqui, Devonshire, Argyle, Monmouth and Niagra getting the brunt of it.  There have been several near accidents as commuters, unfamiliar with the neighbourhood, frequently run through stop signs.  Speeding has also been a problem and neighbours are pretty frustrated with peeling tires and throaty mufflers. 

A temporary asphalt approach has been planted at Walker and the approach to Wyandotte at Devonshire will be layed today and tomorrow.  Wyandotte will be open to through traffic Wednesday.  Construction of the second phase (Walker Road North and South of Wyandotte) will begin on Wednesday as well.  Now lets see if everyone in Old Walkerville can get some sleep for a change.


WE Speak said...

Damn, does that mean truck traffic will be resuming as well?

Anonymous said...

It has been quite the stressful, noisy, infuriating few weeks. I can't believe how inconsiderate some travellers are while passing through our residential area - loud music blaring from open windows in the middle of the night, etc. Disgusting. A few times I wished I had a pellet rifle.

Anonymous said...

Right on Mayor!

Wyandotte IS flowing again. Walker Road is cut off at Riverside to the North and Richmond to the south. Still some traffic leaking through the Walkerville.