Windsor's last chance to snag a new jail site comes tonight. This very important development prospect will be in the hands of Windsor City Council. All they have to do is to allow a zoning change that will make Windsor's new South Western Detention Facility a reality. The issue had previously gone through PAC and was defeated for a couple of really frail reasons. PAC was short of voting members that night and the remaining crew was thrown off balance by a small but emotional pocket of area protesters whose real issue is not so much the jail but rather the forced urbanization of their country plots. Tonight is Windsor's last chance. If they vote against the change tonight Chatham will be the recipient of this multi-million dollar development opportunity. “If the city doesn’t want it, we’re not going to drag this out,” Duncan told reporters following a speech to the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce. “Other communities want it, other communities nearby.”
How might tonights vote look? Councillor Postma will probably vote in favour of the change based on her previous statements. “For six years I’ve represented a ward that has a jail,” said the west-end councillor. “I think the word ‘jail’ scares people … but all the fears, with the exception of the traffic, are unfounded.”
Ron Jones has publicly opposed the development. "But Ron Jones, Postma’s fellow Ward 2 councillor, said he won’t support a jail on the location. “It’s going to be defeated,” he predicted of what will happen in a council vote."
Councillor Hatfield is on record as in support. "Coun. Percy Hatfield, a member of the planning advisory committee, voted in favour of the rezoning. He, like most city councillors, would still like the province to consider a rejected site in Brighton Beach. Hatfield said he supports the 401 location “knowing my first choice was disallowed.”
In the undecided column we have Councillors Halberstadt and Dilkens. "Councillors Alan Halberstadt and Drew Dilkens said they haven’t made up their minds on the issue. They haven’t seen the report that went to the planning advisory committee with recommended approval from the planning department and comments from police, the public works department and other agencies.
“I promise to review it thoroughly,” said Dilkens. He wouldn’t hazard to guess how the proposal will fare when it comes to a vote at city council.
Halberstadt said the vote could be close." There is every reason to believe that both will vote in favour.
There is no real public record for councillors Valentinis, Gignac or Brister on this matter but all bets weigh heavily on their support.
The two guys in the trench are Councillors Marra and Lewenza because this development is proposed for their ward. Both, for fear of upsetting a couple hundred voters have publically opposed the new development. "But councillors for Ward 4 don’t agree. “I’m in complete opposition to that jail being located on that site,” said Ken Lewenza Jr. He said both he and Coun. Bill Marra will support residents who don’t want the institution in their midst." The bookie says that there might be a 180 here as both Marra and Lewenza are very cognitizant of the fact that siding with a miniscule few voters can seriously damage their political careers. You have to know that they are talking to each other on this one.
Last but not least is the tie breaker. Mayor Eddie Francis. If the majority of his council vote in favour he is sitting on easy street. If not he will definately vote in favour of re-zoning. Even though he was opposed to the new location in the beginning he is now supporting this Provincial initiative in exchange for $2.5 million in Red Bull hush money. Be sure to watch City Council this evening. It's going to be interesting for sure.