March 31, 2009

Windsor's New Jail Site. Birds Eye View

Google Earth View:

Windsor's proposed new Municipal Jail location

for reference and perspective.


Anonymous said...

Ummmmm. I think you have the wrong site. The new jail is going to be built in Chatham-Kent.

Anonymous said...

Only in Windsor do we consistently bitch about investments. No where is that even close to residential. No wonder we lag behind every other municipality on pretty much every quality of life index when our own mayor and useless council backs people in order to get re-elected. Where is the damn common sense?

Mike H. said...

Amazing how PAC let the few residents who live not even close to the proposed site push them around. This shows that they got caught up in the emotional moment (fueled by noise from protesters)with no clear understanding of the actual site location. Windsor City Council better override or re-direct PAC and it's full membership to re-consider what they have done. The Province is ready to pull the plug on Windsor. For this project and any other. Why let these few residents be the steering committee for Windsors future?

Anonymous said...

Really though, do you trust the PAC board members?
The same ones who decided that putting more big box retail on the border of the suburbs was a good idea! The reason that it was less of an impact than houses! These people haven't a clue!

Fed up in Ward 4 said...

Let's just hear that the Province pulls out of Windsor on this one. Windsorites are going to be SO angry. A lynch mob wouldn't be out of the question.

Anonymous said...

PAC deals with the letter of the Planning Act law.

Sure, PAC could oppose more big box stores - but on what legally permissible basis?

It would end up at the OMB - and given the nature of the lands, zoning etc., the OMB would rule against the city.

David said...

I heard from a city employee the other day that Eddie lost the jail to Chatham. That's $600 million of investment that we lost out on.

Recovering Windsorite said...

David, any confirmation on that yet?