December 15, 2007

What's in Your Water?

Got Lead?
Is your house over 30 years old? Over 50 years old? Perhaps like many homes in Old Walkerville it's over 100 years old. Are you curious to know if your drinking water has any lead in it? You should be.
This past summer The Ministry of the Environment (M.O.E.) amended the 0. Reg.170/03 under the Safe Drinking Water Act. As a result of this amendment, The City of Windsor and the Windsor Utilities Commission (W.U.C.) are obligated to implement an extended sampling program for lead, which intends to provide the province with consistent lead data.
This is your opportunity. A freebie from the W.U.C. All you have to do is ask. Then, upon your agreement to participate, a Windsor Utilities Commission sample collector will visit your residence to collect two samples of water from your kitchen tap. These samples will be sent to an accredited lab for lead analysis. The results of these tests will be shared with you, the M.O.E., and The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit. The whole test takes place at your kitchen tap and only takes a half hour. When the results come back you will know for sure if your home has lead free water or not. Good information and good peace of mind. If lead is detected, the W.U.C. as "the owner of the drinking water system" is responsible for the delivery system to your property and will initiate action to reduce lead levels at customer taps through corrosion control and to provide evidence of success of those actions.
Here's what you have to do:
To make an appointment, please call the W.U.C. telephone Center at: The trick is to call now because free testing is only going to take place between December 15, 2007 and April 15, 2008. To ensure participation you have to call this number now.
(519) 255-2727
Please select option 3
Know any friends or relatives who would be interested in participating? Give them the above telephone information.
For further information on the Safe Drinking Water Act please follow this link:
then choose "Drinking Water Ontario.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the regulations, testing procedures, or sampling program just call the above number. Let's lead the way to eliminating lead.
Safe drinking everyone.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to call. The picture is just plain scary. Does lime scale make it look yellow or is that Mountain Dew coming out the tap? That hand, 2 thumbs? I'll call Monday:)

Anonymous said...

Definately a bit Homeresque.

Anonymous said...

..But you the homeowner are responsible for the watermain on your property. This "little" cost can be as much as $7,000+. They will not replace the watermain if you do not replace the one on yor property.
The WUC's new motto "Share the cost".

Anonymous said...

To Dave...
Even if that's the case, fixing the problem is not mandatory but knowing if you are drinking or cooking with lead contamination is very important. At least this way you can make some other changes or you can fix the problem at your liesure. It's good to know.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. Good information to have...

Mita said...

I just called to set up a test and the first available testing date was January 7th, 2009! Ay yi yi!