January 18, 2007

Kildare House Proprietor Hot about Massage Parlour.

Heath Chantler, Proprietor of the Kildare House and Monmouth Road resident is digging in and establishing a beachhead for the Old Walkerville BIA. For those of us who have witnessed the hookers on Wyandotte and in our own alleys and side streets this issue rings loud and clear. Monmouth Road is not isolated from the rest of Old Walkerville and, in fact, depends on it in many ways. The question stands: What are we going to do about it! First off, e-mail your councillors. Their address' are provided in this post or in the previously related post. Let them know what you want them to do about it. Secondly, talk this thing up with your neighbours. Many do not receive this blog so it's important that they be informed. Do we want to canvass the rest of Old Walkerville to make them informed? We should but we'll need to set up a team for that. Any takers please e-mail or post to this blog. Maybe we can meet at the Kildare to kick this thing off. Way to go Heath!

From Heath: "I sent the following attachment to Alan & Fulvio . Both have responded & are on our side . The BIA & our neighbours on Wyandotte are on board as well . Mind the grammer & spelling errors in the attachment . I was pretty hot when finding out." HeathNote: forwarded message attached.

From: heath chantler To: jim chantler Subject: Massage Parlour in Olde Walkerville Sent: January 15, 2007 3:53:01 PM

"Found out on the weekend that a Massage Parlour is due to open next door to the Kildare House on Wyandotte . We have taken great pains to grow our food business , attract new customers & family business's. Residents & Business's' lobbied to clear the working girls off our streets & we have remained diligent . We have been resilient in the face of Provincial wide smoking bans & the current downturn in the local conomy .Preferring hard work & providing service & atmosphere instead of drink specials & skimpy outfits. Just when we are starting to see fruits of our labour we now have a business moving in next door that can put it all in jeopardy . I am also a resident of this community that was forced back in 36 to amalgamate with Windsor despite overwhelming support to the contrary. I have witnessed the urban decay as people move from the inner city to the suburbs. Something the Walkerville area has been able to resist because Urban blights such as the business next door have not established footholds . Business's' such as this will only beget & encourage others of the same ilk . They will drive the families & other desirable investment away . Itinerant housing will increase . Schools will close , property values will plummet. Think I'm over reacting ? Look at once proud neighbour hoods in ours & other Cities where it has already happened .Make your voice heard contact our City Councillors . They are both worthy representatives of our ward who have acted tirelessly on our behalf on many issues but they must be made aware . They are Alan Halberstadt . (519-973-8323) , Email: ahalberstadt@city.windsor.on.ca & Fulvio Valentinis .(519-977-5067) , fvalentinis@city.windsor.on.ca "

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